Over 385,000 car accidents were reported throughout the state of Georgia in 2015, according to the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. A National Safety Council report from February 2017 showed tha...

When you purchase any type of product, the last thing you want is to become injured due to a product malfunction or defect. However, this unfortunate outcome occurs more frequently throughout the Unit...

The term slip and fall or trip and fall relates to an injury that occurs when someone trips, slips, or falls as a result of a dangerous condition on another individual’s or company’s property. Thi...

The legal team at Cain Injury Law understands how difficult it can be to bring on a medical malpractice case against a healthcare professional or hospital in the state of Georgia. The laws surrounding...

Riding in an Uber is more common than taking a taxi these days. Uber and other ride-share companies offer the convenience of getting transportation simply by using a Smartphone app. These companies ha...
If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence, you likely have a number of medical bills and have other expenses that could be causing financial problems. A serious injury can be life-changin...

Car accidents are a leading cause of both morbidity and disability. A car accident is said to have occurred when a motor vehicle collides with another motor vehicle, a pedestrian, an animal, structure...

The death of a loved one is never easy for family members regardless of how the person died. When your loved one died as the result of negligent acts of another, your family is left with a financial l...
Some of the most common causes of bicycle accidents include: Turn Accidents – Often drivers turn left in front of an oncoming bicyclist. This type of accident is generally called a left cross. Simil...

The new site educates residents about their legal options and highlights the firm’s personal injury law services, reports www.caininjurylaw.com. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Grayson, GA) — Cain Injury L...